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This is a demo show-casing how to document a Python library with MkDocs, including the library's public API via the MkDocstrings plug-in. It uses Markdown throughout the project, in the hand-written documents as well as in doc-strings embedded with the library code.

We want to see how MkDocs + MkDocstrings stacks up against Sphinx + Autodoc: demo-Sphinx-autodoc.

One difference we already encounter here, though it's not obvious from the rendered HTML page: The table of contents, and thus the side bar, is not defined in this very document, but in the mkdocs.yml configuration file. Though we could define it in a separate Markdown file, like inside the docs folder, by means of the MkDocs-literate-nav plug-in.

There is also no way to easily inspect the source of the pages, as there is with Sphinx. Though the edit button to the right of the title heading on each page was configured to link back to the corresponding source document in the GitHub repo.

GitHub repo